
As a Marine Corp Veteran, former Police Officer & retired Firefighter, I am moving on to my next calling to provide Patriotic Apparel for everyone that loves our Country as much as I do.

Want to know a little about me? My name is Matthew and here's how my love for serving this country started.. At the age of 17 I begged my mom to let a Marine Corps recruiter come to our house to talk to us about enlisting. I remember it as if it was yesterday, when I saw him walk down my driveway in his dress blues I was sold. He looked sharp, so bad ass. I knew I wanted to be a Marine. I convinced my mom to sign me in and 4 months before my 18th birthday I left to serve my country. I always loved being an American but when I enlisted on July 11th, 2000 that is when it became a love worth dying for.

After four years of serving our beautiful country I was home and life was different. I went from a structured life, spending day in and day out with my brothers fighting for what we loved and believed in to no structure, no job, no purpose, fighting PTSD. I had to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. During that low period I met my wife Nicole. She saved me from my demons and even know my struggles will be for the rest of my life she shows me everyday that I don't have to fall to them again. I am forever grateful for her and her sacrifice in helping me become the man I am today.

After I got myself healthy I knew my next career path was going to be law enforcement. I decided to join the NYPD. All I've ever known in my adult life was public service and sacrifice; becoming a Police Officer like my late Grandfather was the best way to continue my service.

I loved being a NYPD officer, I loved the opportunity to help those who needed me at their lowest point and to be able to take action on those that choose to do wrong. A few years into my police career I was given the opportunity to become a FDNY Firefighter, the job that both my brother and cousin already have been blessed to have. After many long discussions with my wife and many long nights of self reflection I chose to leave the NYPD and join the FDNY. One of the hardest decisions I ever made.


Like my love for being a Marine and a Police Officer I also loved being a Fireman. It was the perfect fit. It allowed me to help people and reminded me of the brotherhood of the Marine Corps. Win win.

Unfortunately, my career was cut short with an injury that would not allow me to go back to work. I am now excited to start this new venture that will show my love for this country and to honor the sacrifice of all our service man and civil servants. This is all possible BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!


I've shared with you all about my past; here is a glimpse of my life now. I have two amazing boys. They are my world. They push me everyday to be better then I was yesterday. I am so thankful for them and this blessing in my life.

They love watching me create t-shirts for others. I believe they can feel and see my passion which excites them. My oldest can't wait to see the shirts on other kids.